Preksha Meditation - A New-Age Free Meditation App To Slay Stress And Be Happy
According to a 2013 report, 7 people die from stress every 2 seconds. 1 in 13 sufferers are the victim of anxiety. These numbers very well edify the way we’re shaping our mental condition in this new digital-age.
Have you been too stressed out as of late? Too much work crushing you down and giving you sleepless nights? Do you want to bring an air of freshness and happiness back into your life?
The solution is rather simple. Go back to the roots! Take up meditation exercises. (Yes, that simple!)
What Science Says…
It’s no secret. The benefits of meditation are seamless, vouching to help you through mental and physical strains swiftly, if backed by consistency. Even Science has confirmed it. No wonder, even the world’s top celebrities and entrepreneurs meditate regularly - from Oprah Winfrey and Jennifer Aniston to Richard Branson and Arianna Huffington.
Here are few of benefits, according to Science, of doing meditation regularly:
• Reduces stress and anxiety
• Enhances your immune system and cardiovascular health
• Improves concentration and brings sense of surrounding
• Piques the creative genius inside you
• Makes relationships more healthy
• Adds to your decision-making skills
• Helps you overcome addictions
• Decreases your physical and emotional pain
Still wondering why you should chip in some of your time in this practice every day? Exactly! Make it a part of your daily routine. It isn’t even difficult!
Preksha Meditation is the best meditation app on the play store, helping thousands of people with effective DIY techniques. So even if you’re a complete novice with no clue on the “how-to” part, this free app vouches to turn you into a complete pro in no time.
Why Preksha Meditation?
While there are many free good meditation apps in the market, Preksha Meditation App holds a distinct place for various reasons. Among many, here are few of the factors that make it one of the best on the play store:
• Interactive UI with user-friendly navigation panel that promises satisfying usage experience.
• Guide mediation with no step skipped to provide beginners and amateurs the highest of convenience.
• Soothing reciters and relaxing meditation music for a complete holistic feel.
• Highly functional meditation interval time so you always perfectly time your daily practice.
• Meditation practice history calendar that packs daily tracking feature. So never miss your meditation day. Keep a solid track record of your practice.
• Upcoming camp details. So easily meet the like-minded individuals, share ideas and connect with them.
• Exclusive tips and instructions, along with comprehensive FAQs, to resolve all your queries and concerns adequately.
• Resourceful eBooks to explore in-depth information about meditation exercises and techniques.
Aside from these, Preksha Meditation App also has a handy contact page. So if you ever get stuck with something, you can avail personalized responses.
So enjoy all the benefits of this spiritual practice with a best in-class free guided meditation app.
10 Reasons To Download Preksha Meditation App Today, NOW!
1. You’re very stressed out due to your studies or work.
2. You have trouble focusing on something even for few seconds.
3. You feel uneasy and stuck in life often.
4. You feel tired, unhealthy and dull all day.
5. You have respiratory or cardiovascular problems.
6. You have some kind of addiction (drugs, smoking, alcohol, porn, sex, and more).
7. You want more peace in your life.
8. You’re going through emotionally difficult time (like breakups or someone’s death)
9. You get panic attacks and have anxiety problem.
10. You want a better physical health.
If any of these points fits your situation or wants, you should download Preksha Meditation. This app will help you champ the best techniques and make your life better and elevated.
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